
Artist, adventurer, mama of two, a handsome musicians lady, maker of things, admirer of the natural world.

We have been on journeys to north Queensland for the winter months in our beloved bus, and summers in Tasmania.

nurturing and inspiring our connections to each other, nature and self.

Dreaming of warmth and weaving, campfire cakes, games by candlelight

and frolicking on sand, weaving, sewing, photographing precious moments.

I want to give you glimpses of this unique lifestyle and the beauty of this land Australia.

Currently based in the mid north of NSW in between adventures.
2015 takes us on our European tour.

Enjoy your visit here and

Remember I am a changing human bean whose experiences, opinions, perspective strengths and weaknesses are mutable and evolving as I am a student of this life.

All content is important to me so please be in touch if you want to borrow something.


26 thoughts on “Me

  1. Hello Rose

    How are you? I stumbled upon your email whilst searching the internet in hopes of locating a native orchid in Western Australia. If you know anyone that collects native seeds or deals with bush crafting, I can pay generously if you can help me out!

    I am actually interested in the Jug Orchid.I know it wont be easy to propagate but I will take that chance. It is something I have wanted for quite sometime… If you or anyone you know can point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated 🙂

    Thanks for your time

  2. Hi Rose,

    My partner Ned(Nerida), our two boys and myself met your family at alligator creek. A few years back. Jesse helped me make a PVC pipe Didge and explained the wonders if coconuts to me.

    Ned was looking at weaving on google a few days back and stumbled upon your site.

    We now live on the Clohesy river in Koah and are adjusting to our new life.

    Please keep our email and if you are up this way it would be great to see you all. We are on about 20 acres with full river frontage and if I remember correctly Jesse, Lily and Cedar like following creeks.


    Paul, Ned, Iago and Jhett

    • Hey Paul
      Great to here the next Koah chapter of your adventures! We will be up in qld winter 2016, this year weve skipped over to europe! Hoorah for travels. Glad to hear youre well and we have other friends in your area and Davies creek is one favorite of ours! Im having coconut envy! I love weaving and i recomend looking out for our friends Aaron and Gabi they are weaving wonders!!
      Blessings to all your family.

  3. Hey, Roselinde!

    Thanks so much for the quick reply! I was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and am American, though I am the 3rd generation of immigrants in my family, and my little girl represents the 4th one. I have lived in 6 countries now, and wonder if Mexico will be the last.

    I am a recently single mom *my husband left me in late December), and this is the first time I have had to make a living all on my own, having been a stay-at-home mom nearly all my adult life. It was serendipitous that I discovered coconut palm weaving just in time to start supporting Ever and me with it! As it stands right now, we are just barely surviving, since the low season for tourism has begun, and sales and workshops are now few and far between. I look forward to October/November, when business should again start rolling in…

    I finished the big (well, I used 2 hoops of 24 leaflets each) taro basket yesterday, without the benefit of your technique. I ended up tucking the directly opposing leaflets above and below each other, to make a double-layered bottom (also running up the sides) which held a lot of weight today, on our trip to the beach, and seemed not to loosen at all. It’s a lovely, large basket, strong enough to carry water bottles, towels, books, etc! Next time I will try it your way, and close with the two-sided braid.

    I also made 2 dilly bags, one of which is purely like yours in the photos, and the other of which, I closed the wrong end, and made a very interestingly shaped purse. I used 2, 3-leaflet sections of the great rib, and braided them and joined them in the middle, to make the straps of the big taro basket and the dilly bag I “screwed up.” They are super-sturdy, and comfy on the shoulder. I ended up using the loose leaflets on the sides to plait a wide, flat strap for the dilly bag I made by closing the correct end.

    I’d love to share the pictures with you. If you add me on Facebook, I always post my photos of my latest creations there. It would be awesome to have a fellow weaver around, but I don’t know anyone here but me, who does it. I will have to content myself to cyber-friendships with weavers like you, Terry Hill, in Maui, and Jeff, who is also in Australia. It’s wonderful to have more experienced folks to come to with all my questions. Hope to hear from you again soon…

    Brightest blessings!

    • Hi Sylph.
      Today lets weave together! I like how you describe your process. In a few more months I will be on qld weaving also. I’m not on Facebook so haven’t seen any photos yet unfortunately.

      • What is “qld?” I would like to see more of your coconut palm weaving, if you have any new projects to post. I have a huge album of photos now, and am looking into starting my own blog, where I can post them all… Hope to hear from you again soon…


      • hi Sylph
        qld is Queensland the northern state on our east coast. thats exciting you’d like to start a blog. i will look at it!
        is the ohana bowl the style from Hawaii or the calabash i think it’s called?
        i will email you.
        take care.
        i am envious you have palm all year round where you live! i am back in the south and my last frond has dried up. boohoo.

  4. Hi, Roselinde!

    I just found your blog, and I am loving your designs! I am a fellow weaver of coconut palm, and am supporting my 5-year-old daughter and myself in Mexico, solely by means of this mostly forgotten craft. I am self-taught, and have only been weaving for 6 months, so I’m always looking to learn something new about palm weaving. I am trying to make your giant taro basket right now, and am doing well, except I don’t know how to close the bottom. Can you help? Thanks!

    Brightest blessings!
    Sylph Nightbloom

    P.S. If you are on Facebook, feel free to add me.:-)

    • Hi Sylph. What an amazing story thankyou for sharing! It is an amazing craft I wish we could sit together and share!
      Im curious where you are native to?
      To close the bottom of giant taro baskets I use a lot of pegs to hold the wayward fronds. I seperate every north facing frond out and make a giant braid with all the south facing leaves. Joining in as I move towards myself each successive leaf. Once complete I turn the basket 180. And begin the same process weaving a braid towards myself on top of the previous braid. Does that make sense? It’s late and I’ve been doing Easter egg hunts in the dark for tomorow! Ask for clarification if you need to.

      • Hi Rosalinde,
        at the 2012 Cygnet Folk fest you took a charming photo of our Bavarian folk dancing group on stage. I was seeking your permission to use this picture in some promotional material. We are a “not for profit” organisation run by mums & dads which aims are to keep some cultural traditional alive for our children.
        hoping you can help us out. Kindest regards, Peter West.

      • Hello Peter
        That would be fine to use the photograph. Thankyou for asking permission.
        My photography business is Rose Klass Photography for a credit note. I especially, am fond of your group because of my German and Swiss heritage. I have more images of your group if you are interested. Please email me.
        Many thanks

  5. Hello Rosi,
    Great entry …{ “This moment” }……. Jesse pondering the dreamtime.
    Soulemama is a great site….I feel inspired to share yesterday’s work to support it

    Warm love to you both


    • Hey Mike
      great to have you visiting! Yes he pondered there for a good long while. it’s captivating land.
      unfortunately I can’t open the link to your link because I have no google account. would you mind emailing it to me privately? we are dreaming up the next visit with you lot. you might like to have a yarn with Jesse about Malawi…
      love to Anna-Marie and yourself
      thanks Rosi

  6. Hello! For whatever reason, I just read the comment you left on my blog What a neat coincidence! Linden Trees are very significant for our family & it was a no brainer when coming up with a name for my photography business. It also seems that we have a Waldorf (Steiner) connection to share as well. My children are rising 2nd and 4th graders at the Waldorf school in Atlanta!

    • Hello lovely to hear from you! Yes a quirky parallel! I am hoping to have my photography business off the ground by the end if the year. I’m still feeling shy!!
      Thanks for visiting

  7. A blogging friend may be passing you on the road some time in your travels. She is in Tasmania now. Check out Sparkling Adventures! And thank you for your comforting comment on my blog about school after homeschool.

    Best wishes
    Jen in NSW

  8. Rozi love xxx your gorgeous blog is soooo full of inspiring beauty! I am so much loving reading your beautiful poetic words, glimpsing and sometimes being swallowed by your stunning photography….And lilli and Cedar!!! oh oh oh little beauties!!! So loving and truth full!! big blessed love beams from my heart to yours wonderful sister xxxx

  9. Dear Rosie and Jesse….. After looking at your photo’s and reading of your adventures and special moments, I feel like i have been on a journey too! You are sure to inspire others to be a little more daring in their living. Beautiful! Loved having you stay, and the pictures of the girls making pancakes were so sweet! My sister remembers your family when you passed through Eumundi markets…small world!

  10. Dear Rosie, i enjoy your zine – its like a witnessing consciousness living the extraordinary quality of ordinary life, and the photos are top quality – love the use of light. original style full respect!

  11. Hi Rose, I am really looking forward to sharing this journey with you and your beautiful family. I will feel closer to you all, even though your journeys take you further away in kilometers!! Enjoy it all, and cherish the experiences. Love to you all, Jane xx

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