Something for everyone

Meet the newest member of our family!

I Saw Jesse go out for fruit and come back with this vintage Guild 12 string guitar (78) we think.
A bargain love!
Like most of us it needs a bit of loving to shine, but will soon be singing.
My op shop treasures today




All English or Australian made vintage crockery

I liked matching the teacups with odd saucers…
To add to…

My growing stash of crockery for our next home:)
Don’t tell Jesse…

Our bus also got a treat today …

New front tyres… Again…
To keep us safe we get new front tyres every big trip and shuffle the previous ones to the back. $300 ea

The children got their fun at Muddys playground on the esplanade in cairns. Maybe the coolest playground I’ve come across, it extends along the water front with shady, age differing play areas and lots of water play.









So we all got a little of our own style of fun today!
It’s only lunchtime so there’ll be more…
On our way to the post office to get lots of parcels and letters! I hope…
What are you doing today?
What is your style of fun?
What’s your latest thrifty find?
Do you collect something?

Eco printing silk

how to print silk with natural articles in a very humble non scientific amateur way, which may lead to some

lovely discoveries of colour and experience…

learnt from my lovely creative mother in law (illegal) in the style of India Flint

i gathered  these simple materials for my bush camp dyeing experience…

some silk, leaves, flowers, onion skin, a rusty bottle top, string and a rusty old camp oven (the iron reacts with the ingredients to enhance darker colors and give you a bit of extra magic, saying which, any big non food pot will do) with a stick which fits inside it…20120725-195818.jpg

lay out your natural gatherings (being mindful of what and where you gather) along your silk, fold to the width of your stick20120725-195831.jpg

roll it all up and wrap as tight as you can with some strong string…

fill your pot with water enough to cover your bundle… I was lucky to get pure mountain water…


heat your goodies now. i generally go to boiling temp but not actually bubbling for about an hour, then remove from heat and let sit overnight or longer..


when you can no longer wait the next day, open it up!20120725-195930.jpg

mm looks suspicious

enjoy the surprise of opening your bundle20120725-200003.jpg

yay something happened!!20120725-200021.jpg


give it a quick and gentle rinse20120725-200030.jpg

hang in the shade to dry20120725-200042.jpg

where does the silk end and the tree begin20120725-200055.jpg

the colors are perfectly matched to our environment!20120725-200103.jpg


a bush pixie got squished in20120725-200120.jpg




i did another bundle the following night, using the same water, and yielded much darker shades20120725-200223.jpg


and some beautiful leaf prints20120725-200238.jpg


i also cleverly have printed leaves onto our awning!

place on leaves, make damp with night dew, roll it up tight and leave in the sun for days and days!20120725-200301.jpg


Davies creek week

Last week
Mondayitis hit us bad
A terrible day ending with a sparking argument
Arriving late in the darkness to our camp for the week
Anticipated place of peace
How remarkable these explosions are!
How normally articulate beings can be reduced to one syllable expletives!
Pent up frustrations, the intensity of living all the time with each other in a tiny space. Little privacy or time in solitude. Literally bumping into one another. Every emotional change in the weather can influence us all. Moving frequently ( imagine moving house every week), being in public alot, Trying to move as a unit constantly. Simply tired and driving late after an unfulfilling day.
Morning came again and i felt some release and forgiveness creep in
Remarkable how we can repair and reconnect and re open to one another again and again over the years.

We had found mould in the bus since our wet daintree week so a cleaning out task was set.
out came everything!

Umm what exactly is all that stuff?

all essential i’m sure!

Mould in our relationship also needed a clean out!
It was therapeutic to have the physical task of washing and repacking the bus and also sharing, listening, exploring,challenging and bantering.
I love these moments of vulnerable communication even as it scares the pants off me, it brings a needed authenticity to our time together.

Our Setting was Dinden national park which Is quite open dry woodland range.
Winter gold of wattle flowers have subtle perfume for dawn walkers. Rustling dry grass and balga trees present the spiky blanket of hills.
Spacious blue glimpsed through eaucalypt lace.

Camping beside the chilly ever flowing Davies creek is a joy of refreshment and constant humming flow of sound.
We collect our cooking and washing water from this pure waterway and dunk ourselves every day.

our week witnessed so much…
Watching lily start to disappear into chapter books in quiet moments
Cedar happily trucking, shoveling, swinging and digging
Watching little birds visit camp and large flicks squawk overhead
Stars and stars and stars
Toasting haloumi instead of marshmallows on sticks in the coals
Cinnamon damper on the coals
Dozing off by the fire
We drank a lot of coconuts
We became perfumed with woodsmoke
We slowly unwound
Watched birds
Lily made a fairy village in tree roots and harvested blood wood sap
Cedar trucked sand and delivered sticks for the fire
We stayed in one place
We didn’t drive anywhere for four nights
We mapped a lot of the bus( found permanent homes for things and repacked)

We where joined for a night by the lovely Paul and Merivale and 4 boys
The shorter kids Slippery dipped down watery rocks and the bigger ones flipped off the high rocks

There was a little music
A little weaving
A little silk dyeing
A little solitude
A whole lot of fun

Whats happening at your place this week?
Are you inside or outside more?

what helps you and your partner reconnect?



a glimpse of our week…

Lily loves to wander the bush finding bush food and medicines which she bundles up in these paperbark pouches for her dilly bag, each one with special knots to identify the contents at a glance



You all know I’m a basket case don’t you!!


This beauty from our dear friend Mike at wind willow basketry in NZ found a valid purpose!
How did they all sneak in? i was sure I limited myself to three this trip!
And here I go weaving more from coconut fronds…


Casting on fit the first time this trip. A bit of nude knitting is the way to relax!!

This is how the others relaxed…

There’s my new billy.. and authentic hand lathed scottish style porridge shpongle thingy!

We also baked make n bake food for Lilys hungry sylvanian family..




mm yummy haloumi, looks kinda like a marshmallow doesn’t it?20120725-161507.jpg





currently seen devouring Mr Galliano’s circus by Enid Blyton20120725-161610.jpg

Mm what’s cooking there Rosirose…

A tease for my next post!!
Phew lots of photos to upload! Have fun lookin’

Innot hot springs

Oh Lordy this is divine!
This unassuming little creek is actually fed with scalding (about 70’c) spring water from deep in the earth!
We are enjoying our most luxurious bathing in months!
Phil I hope you get to visit here, you’d be totally blissed!
Even sitting on the course sand the heat is radiating up to my grateful skin as the ambient temperature is 20’c and windy
This is the second hot spring I’ve visited in Australia, the other being Douglas hot springs in the NT in 2005. In 2008 we visited the thermal bath town of Renne Les Bains in southern France which was another delightful setting …
The humble natural location here is appealing to me, and results in it being very quiet. No tourist spectacle in sight. Dig a hole and soak in it. Simple.

today under thick marshmallow cloud, in my five minutes of undisturbed bathing I could lay in my hot puddle and watch the antics of the raucous parrots in the overhead flowering gum. To me that was bliss…
Joy. Hope to have a peaceful soak under the stars tonight with the silver smile of new moon as my mirror.

Go give your bathtub some love…

We’ve stayed two nights here to luxuriate in the mineral waters!
In the camp ground are six pools of varying heat to slip between.
Lily is a happy fish
We went for some mama daughter time this sunset and stopped with our feet in the hot creek lay back looking at the skyscape. Talking planets, moon cycles, stars and imagining experiencing space travel.
Precious time to connect after a spat of conflict over dinner.
Lily found ochre to paint us up and made a coconut shell boat with anchor


The view from my bathing place I am loving the blue sky sky sky




It’s rare to find the dreaming story of a place do easily. I loved retelling it for my family

It sure beat
The water meets the magma heat 600m below ground. It expands and is forced to the surface through fractures in the rock.

Waking up to…

I wrote this in early June and here it is belatedly…

Waking up to
A fresh dawn and
Jesse heading down to the headland to play Didge with the sunrise.
Feeling great joy when witnessing my partner do the things that bring him joy!
Feeling rested and relaxed after a quiet sleep which followed a challenging eve.

this is the gorgeous coast of Agnes Water

Cedar had a crying night last night, which translates to almost two hours of wailing and resisting sleep in the evening.
They come more rarely now, but this used to be a daily/nightly happening.
He could also wake up to twelve times a night !
The beginning of this year was a huge shift with Cedar receiving some
body talk sessions and beginning a course of homeopahics.
To compare, the night before last he happily laid in his little bed and murmured himself to sleep!!! Amazing for us!

I celebrate these nights of ease
and struggle with getting attached to how it can be when it’s not how I want it to be.. Sound familiar… Or muddled?
Then becoming frustrated and confused when it’s not like that all the time. Ah yes little grasshopper I still have a lot to learn!
And a lot of physical recovery still to go.
It’s not fun seeing myself becoming mundane and attempting to control my universe, or shutting down and becoming pessimistic and grim.
There is a deep exhaustion which wells up, I recognize the expression in my facial muscles! So does my family…
Therein comes the reminder that at least now I am seeing it and can work with those habits.
Sleep deprivation is a proven form of torture. There are many distressing and debilitating effects. A study was done on mothers with post natal depression where it revealed after a series of nights full sleep many of their symptoms where relieved. ( sorry can’t remember which study, or if it was three nights?)
( one symptom of sleep dep is memory loss!!)
This piece really struck a chord with me as I experienced terribly bleak times in Cedars infancy. ( and still occasionally revisit)
At the trough of it all I would wake up and think things like ” oh morning, nooo. This is horrible. I’m a terrible mother for hating my baby. My poor daughter who needs me too. No Not yet. I can’t face the day again…..” insert some bad language….
” I’m so tired I’d rather die. Just let me vanish from this reality. ”
Loving this tiny beautiful baby, but wishing he would simply disappear.
Depression was a terribly sad, angry , lonely and totally weird space for me to experience for such an extended period. I had no idea how consuming and distorting my head space could be! Or how miserable I could feel week after week.

Thinking that my life has so many blessings yet why do I feel so sad, anxious, miserable, negative, angry etc
What is wrong with me. Why am I so unhappy?
Some 16 percent of new mothers in Australia experience post natal depression, and there must be many more who don’t manage to get help and enter the statistic.
There are some great sites and resources if you or someone you know are struggling with your mind state or health.
24 hour call service PANDA
Beyond baby blues
Are two examples.
When I finally got it together to get help and she made a diagnosis of pnd, adrenal fatigue and hormone imbalances I felt oddly relieved. Kind of like when I confirmed my pregnancy. Scared and relieved and no more private worrying but the open acknowledgement that something is going on and I’m no longer wondering.
I could now move into the journey ahead.

we have often, (and still do at times) used the ergo and a walk as a sleep method


I am convinced now sleep is one key In mothering or fathering
It is so important to sleep, this time of physical recovery and respite.
Could you tag team with another adult?Forget the housework for today, you’ve got years of it ahead of you.
Can you afford to get help for a couple Hours each week?
Please nap frequently, think of cultures with siesta traditions! Oh why weren’t we colonized by a Mediterranean siesta culture?
I’m not suggesting it’s only nourishing sleep we need to be well, though we all know how sleep helps us, in my case it was adrenal fatigue and hormonal imbalances, stagnation and the usual human array of neuroses I need to work with!

What do you do to support your parenting journey?
How do you get the rest you need in life?
How can we support each other in the early years of children?
What would or would have helped you?
What did help you?
Who can you ask for help?
How can we openly share the trialling bits of parenting so we don’t isolate each other?

If you are feeling low and wondering what is “wrong” with yourself I encourage you to visit a health carer and start the path to wellness.
We can all experience wellness and balance in mind body and spirit
And I fully in courage you to take a step on your journey:)
Whatever your circumstance
Is there one thing you can do today which is loving to yourself?
maybe it’s as simple as drinking a cup of lemon water in the morning, walking around the block, booking in to a naturopath, having a green smoothie, simply sitting and having awareness in your breath, giving yourself the acknowledgement that you are doing a great and difficult task of parenting, a moment of kindness to yourself, seek a hug with a willing supplicant:)

I went for a stroll alone by the shore with my camera for my moment of self connection and amusement, I was soon joined by family but felt mildly refreshed.
With love and wellness

ps thankyou to everyone of you who have supported us in our journey of parenting and family life

and my hat is off in acknowledgement to each of you who has parented, is parenting or is thinking about it!








Waking up to

Lily has made us pancakes this morning!! Yummy yummy yum
What a big girl, encouraging me to stay in bed ( Jesse was having dawn hot spring soaking)
” no no I know how to do it”
Being patient and helpful of Cedar
Thank you big sissi

With grated coconut and tropical fruits, yoghurt and maple syrup.
We’ve been missing Sunday pancakes as we are always having an early start to markets on Sundays.

Mother my first companion

My shoulders hunched, bunched and scrunched
I saw my chance to get a bit of body love and ease
” can I get a massage please?”
Sweet lady so petit with firm sensitive hands
A tender touch so sure and to me to reassure
So like the hands of my own sweet mama
She who has held and comforted me forever before
I cried and sighed and whyed and cried
I let go and breathed and softened a smidgen
I felt my heart go back to the start
And open and relax and feel a peace so brief
And I’m still bathing in gratitude
To this stranger who for an intimate moment was my mother and comforted me
How I cherish my connection with my mum

When I was explaining to Lily why I was crying she said with her hand tightly in mine
“I never want to leave you mum, well maybe when I’m grown up to go to town to do some shopping or something!”
That melted me more

Dearest mamalata I am so joyfully anticipating a visit with you
Love Roselinde

Waking up to

Waking up to sadness that we are so far from my family.
My Oma in Germany has had a serious accident and as often before I wish I was close enough to see her and be with my family.
I was the first born in my lineage in Australia. My parents are of Swiss and German heritage.
We have a beautiful big extended family in europe whom we have oft visited and write and email on occasion.
But I do mourn the lack of intimacy in these relationships. We simply haven’t had much time and shared experiences.
Sometimes I watch families gatherings and wonder what It’s like to have 12 cousins and their kids together!
It’s probably a familiar story for a lot of people.
And here I am with four sisters and a brother in Australia and I choose to live on the other side of the continent for climate and lifestyle choices at the moment!
When I saw my younger brother and sister from Germany last year I was moved by how gorgeous they are and how little I know about how they have grown up.
My sisters and I have often said how we missed having relatives nearby and how we have become very sentimental about these pieces of old family furniture and carpets and objects as symbols of family connection.
I cherish my gifts from my family, among them mums little cast iron pancake pan!

So Letter writing and drawing was the order of the morning. It’s a joyful, still activity which I share with Lily and now Cedar who wants to come and have his hands and feet traced and draw all over everything! The big two year old circles.
