An alpine birthday

Now on this day we celebrate your day of birth 

And we wish you a good and happy life on earth!

(Alternative birthday ditty)        The traditional pancake breakfast substitutes for a cake when we are camping. Lush toppings, fresh berries, cream, yoghurt and maple syrup. I eat renegade savoury pancakes first, gruyere cheese and pesto.

  Craved farm animals from Werner reifentiere. Found at Pastorini in Zurich. Up up up on the cable car from Falkenberg to Oeschin. Summer tobogganing.       The ausblick/outlook is enthralling.     Postcard moments. Oeschinersee. The lake is turquoise. Crispy clear and cold, it is fed by the snow melt and glaciers.       I am enchanted by the alpine flowers and the children hunt out wild strawberries and raspberries. It keeps them busy and happy for an hour and I can soak up the incredible environment at 1500 or so metres above sea level. We are blessed with mostly sunshine and wonderful cloud pictures being sucked on by the peaks.       Another gift was a junior Opinel whittling knife . The end is round so not quite as perilous but just as sharp. There are sticks of softest pine to be found in the woods. This fellow hiked up with his alphorn! I opened conversation as we had all been guessing what was in his pack, and he willingly took it out and played for Us some folk tunes. The harmonic singing of the horn was beautiful to me. It seemed so fitting in this environment. I couldn’t have imagined a better spot to hear it for the first time since childhood.   The sound carried across the water and the long tones needed the space. Magic.   There are many carving and sculptures along the lakeside path. Cedar played his own little birthday Sansula and enchanted us.  


 The folk art and carvings on the buildings continuously impress me in Switzerland. I have been guessing they are winter arts to keep hands creative when indoors for much of the year. Strong traditions. The little model house had a barn full of cows like Cedars birthday cow Tulip.  

  Jesse dared to leave the signed pathway (incredibly practical signs for Wanderweg/walkway with distances and times, everywhere in Switzerland. I love the walking culture. This has been a focus of our trip) and despite our resistance ( I’m imagining lost on the mountain in the dark with hungry tired little people) found us a gorgeous place to have a fire for our traditional Swiss sausage roasting. 



Who loves chocolate and hazelnuts in fire cooked banana s? Have you tried this? Wait  until you have a bed of embers then lay upon it bananas with their side split and chocolate stuffed in. Yum.      Walking down the mountain is not always easier! I think the grade was about 16%. Sore knees and ankles. 

So happy to get to the playground at the bottom! We walked back to camp at 9 pm via the restaurant for slices of cake and warm milks. I took candles and we had a mini birthday celebration there. A super special family day! Hooray Cedar!

To you we sing

And happiness we bring

To celebrate your birth

An angel here on earth. 

Thanks to friends for this song

Right now

Right now, choosing to sing instead of morning chores.

At years begin I wished to have a harmonium (small bellows piano) and invite more singing and music into my life. (Greatly inspired by joining Loren Kate in song during our SA travels)
I feel happier, more serene, heart aglow when I sing. It’s a connection to my centre which is more steadfast than my fluctuating personality/moods. I did a voice workshop recently, which was as intense as it was beneficial with my confidence and freedom of sounding.
I love to sing devotional music and at present I am finding the chanting of some ancient vedic chants are uplifting and also deeply moving. Chanting in another language allows me a freedom to sink into the sounds and the intellect has to take a backseat. I become more present with the meditation and the resonance of the music. It becomes a more simple moment of prayer to the wisdom and connection and beauty in and around myself.
It’s a joy to accompany myself with the harmonium and not be dependant on Jesse for guitar playing. (Hence snatching a moment to sing alone becomes possible, oh yes I sing without accompaniment also but it’s so fun with an instrument)

This morning Cedar was happy drawing at the table in front of me. He could talk to me or show me his art while I fulfilled my own need for expression. Even with a mountain of washing at my side and unfinished jobs around, to choose 15 minutes to do something which leaves me feeling mmmm lovely and happy has made me proud of myself. (Changing habits)

And then he’s next to me with the pencils wanting a tractor and we are talking about his image. It’s the first drawing he’s described to me with a story. Honey tree mama. Honey coming out. Bucket honey.

And then we are moving into the next moment…
What are you choosing for inspiration in your life?
What small gifts could you give yourself today?
What leaves you feeling mmmmm lovely?