right now…

Amidst illness, parenting challenges, life challenges, menstruating, mess, lethargy, humidity and losing my life map temporarily as the end of the year screams towards me…..

Happiness is a coconut leaf harvest basket, full of colour and scent for dinner

These tiny moments keep me sane and happier! 

It really is the small things people.

Lebanese cucumbers

Green yellow AND purple beans

Chinese greens ( self sown, great weed suppressor)



Lemon sorrel

Pineapple sage flowers

What are you harvesting from your garden or your life?



des glaneuses {the pecan harvest}

IMG_0004in the fields the pecan trees drop their bountiful treasure

the cockatoos swing overhead and the ticks lurk below shadows

a basket of size or make, soon spills brown eggs to hatch small brown birds

the queen nut and her babies are captured lovingly

while children bounce, frolic, nest and throw.

oh to covet a fireside nut crushing eve

and invent our own fairytales

this kinship and little people wriggles

jaffles in moonlight and the bright silhouettes sway

the foragers filled and the gypsies sleep by the coals in mandarin cloaks

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nut tree nut tree

there is treasure hidden in your leaves

nut tree nut tree

drop your gifts down to me

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IMG_0082thanking thee dear friends.

and Miss F for the capture of me in the frames above.

pumpkin and pecan pie anyone?

pecan ice cream?

pecan truffles?

pecan and cinnamon cake?

pecan and mushroom soup?

pecan pecan hecan mecan?


did you like my nutty poetree? and my nutty daughter?

because you are what you eat!!

more on foraging here.


Buckwheat pancakes


We {read I} have been making regular batches of buckwheat pancakes. mm mmm

i’ve written about the origin of my recipe from lovely gluten free blog what baby{and boy} ate;  here…

and other pancakey berry adventures here…

for my non measure recipe; I use about 1 and a 1/2 cups of raw organic buckwheat and soak it in the blender overnight

in the morning add 2 eggs and some extra water and whizz it up smooth

cook in coconut oil


I have better success if I heat the cast iron pan very well first and keep it well oiled. they take a little longer than wheat flour pancakes to cook. be patient, it’s worth it!!

Buckwheat is one of my favorite gluten free seeds for porridge {soak overnight with almonds, currants, quinoa and nuts, simmer about 15 minutes in the morning} and pancakes. I have done some sprouting of them but find the slimy tendency in this humid climate off putting!

a good protein source apparently and easily digestible for most tummies.

a nice buckwheat quote…

“The properties of buckwheat are: Neutral thermal nature; sweet flavor; cleans and strengthens the intestines and improves appetite..”  According to Paul Pitchford in Healing with Whole Foods (1993)

buckwheat pancakes

notice the jar of rapadura sugar? this has lately replaced the maple syrup bottle while stocks are out. it’s been a good experiment to see that Lily can now self moderate a teaspoon sprinkle of sugar on her pancakes. Yay! it has paid off, all that strict mama monitoring of sugar … now i can relax abit about it and know she knows i know she knows; how to self regulate sugar intake and feel good in her body! luckily Cedar copies her…

what do you do with buckwheat?

oh my!! berries are sooo delightful! i sure am looking forward to another summer in Tasmania….


Chillagoe Queensland



we seek a new adventure in the West country 200km  from Cairns, some warm and dry and open bush. dry out our lungs and explore the limestone caves in the Chillagoe Mungana national park. 

 A retrospective post.

Remembering Chillagoe region, inland, tablelands, North Queensland; August 2013

castles of stone

caves, crevices, dust, marble bones

choking dust

bleak heat

dreamtime vista

turquoise mineral spring bathing sancturary


there are long bumpy stretches of dirt road which we have to take at 10-20km an hour as we are heavily loaded with extra timber, 100lt water and 80 ltr of fuel, never mind the brain splitting rattling of our 4 tonne home… it’s torturous for me as driver on this hot hot day, and i rage internally {and a little externally} and finally retreat to the bed with sunglasses on as Jesse takes over the wheel. it is my least favorite endurance of this adventurous life. hot travel with no swimming respite in sight, cranky tired hot and bothered children… {be forewarned, i am going to bang on alot about how hot this trip was!}IMG_2422

gathering firewood roadside on the trip in. I am stunned by the dry midday heat, the starkness of sky and and bleached colors after weeks in the lush coastal regions. it is familiar from my childhood in WA and a little part of me also relishes the crackle of crisped leaves and bark underfoot and the open bush and ant trails. epic sky and thin shade kissed by eucalypt breeze

we fill the floor space with perfect dry hardwood for campfires, it’s awkward sweaty hauling but we focus on the enjoyment of fire gazing and cooking. Jesse finds some perfect straight Mulga for making rhythm sticks.

and then we are arriving into tiny Chillagoe township looking for the Eco Lodge as we hear it boasts a small observatory and resident astronomer {part of our attraction to come to this open sky country} a population of about 250. with fluctuating tourism nodded to by the 4 campgrounds. there is a more private camp ground on a property right on the creek near the airport, but the caretaker is ill.

we are simply  heat shocked and wondering what the hell we are doing here!

im ecstatic to here there’s a swimming hole near town.

turns out to be a lovely shady deep spring fed hole. phew. everyone is refreshed quickly and it all seems worthwhile and copeable. is that a word? the rocks are amazing!

IMG_2414 IMG_2413the swimming hole becomes our base for half of each day we spend in the area. i sit by the water and understand how the indigenous mob survived out here, in the shade by water is the only place to be in a lot of Australia on the hot days. if there’s water…


we visit some caves and do some short walks. we skip the guided tours in to the deeper caves. {i’m quietly glad the children give me the excuse for this as it frightens me just a little} finding ourselves alone in some huge caverns, sitting on besmoothed stones and watching captured sunlight glittering the dust moats is surprising and awe-some. singing and didging and echoing in the tumbled caves, it’s good to be together in a cave. a new experience.

the rock formations and the self guided caves are striking enough to fulfill our rocky quest.

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i awake on the second day better adapted to the climate and find gradually heating with the rising sun easier than driving into the hot midday from the coast.

we monkey around at the old train station near the campground in the twilight. there are great mobs of wallabies. this was a rare campground stay. we usually find independant camping or stay on properties. we want to experience the astronomy session in the evening however, and it’s simply so appealing to have access to water. we claim the little patch of grass out the front of the Eco lodge. Cedar declares the sprinkler his truck wash.

the session at the observatory is inspirational and full of facts and numbers and anecdotes. i saw Saturn and it’s rings! and two of it’s twenty something moons! it really does look like those funny colour drawings from school books! it sparks many wonder-full conversations about life, other life, gallaxies, stars, moons, space travel, wonderment, constellations, feeling small, feeling big, feeling like a speck, how time and space move and are measured….

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Have you ever roasted a whole pumpkin in the coals?IMG_0009


before you go to bed, make a nest in the coals and ashes and plop in a really great pumpkin; cover it with a good blanket of ash and coals and you’re all ready for bed; uncover your golden treasure in the morning! we used a Japanese variety here; the more ripe and good your pumpkin the better caramelized result you will have!


Enjoy your roast pumpkin in many attitudes; here a savory delight but previously it’s been breakfast on pancakes with maple syrup and cream! decadence!

and here is a proof I’m not some super unrealistic lady who can’t do wrong. {just in case anyone wondered; as Jesse pointed out it’s easy to falsely represent myself here on an edited blog}  burnt food is one of my occasional talents! i am a bit dreamy{creative} at times and become absorbed in other activities, than watching the meal cook!! oops. still good. just cut off the charcoal…. I have been banned from using the toaster and cooking rice in a previous life…IMG_0024

Lily spent the first morning engaged in making a flower fairy palace from bark, sticks, marble chunks and flowers. unfortunately she built her house on the sand {the mat} and it had to go down with the packup tide. rebuilt in the bushes and a learning about how to choose a safe site to build…IMG_0022

our last night, we left the township of Chillagoe and visited a more secluded cave with relatively intact Indigenous paintings. The energy of this place was strong and beautiful. We spent the afternoon and gloaming in the cave watching the changing light and dreaming of life as a tribe in the caves, in this remarkable landscape.

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Discussing how and where and what and why was a rich experience. The children chose their rock beds and imagined where the fire was and how we would use the cave and how many people would share it and so on. I realised how little i know of the nomadic tribal culture in Australia, how disconnected i feel at times from the cultural history of this land I was born in. Sadness arising for what is lost now. the questions i’ll never know answers to.  noticing the discomfort i can experience when I am in company of people of culture because i don’t have many reference points. and ultimately I’m a white fella and there is a massive burden of racism and tragedy between us. at other times it just naturally is and I’m connecting with ease and humour. often the children break the ice and connecting through play is a gift.IMG_0090


the open verandah effect of the cave creates an empowering view over vast land. a safe standpoint.IMG_0094 IMG_0109 IMG_0102 IMG_0113

i awoke to didgeridoo echoes across the land from the cave above at sunrise. when i return from my solo adventure to the cave i am met by singing and music. thankyou Jesse you bring melody to my life.IMG_0133


there are many old marble quarries in the Chillagoe area. many massive blocks have been lifted out and left on the red dust like a giant’s play blocks. We stop at one of the quarries on the way back East. {some conspiracy about bleeding away private money…} we met an epic conspir-ollogist our here! wowzers.IMG_0156 IMG_0153 IMG_0175 IMG_0166

the bush is open with tall ironbarks and malga among the trees. their thin canopy offers little shade in the oven hot morning. with termite mounds being the bush furniture. the spindly crisp grasses remind me of country up near Katherine and Darwin.
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quirky old machine installations IMG_0181i certainly left with a puzzled feeling from Chillagoe, its been great to reflect on it from my midnight table here in Bellingen.

i hope you enjoyed the story and the photographs.


Right now. A menu


I haven’t resorted to meal planning for ages. But this little beauty is inspiring me this week. No set days, simply meal ideas to use the ingredients I have in abundance. Leeks, potatoes, spinach, fresh veg, free organic bones gifted us and incorporating a variety of protein. I’m aiming to make big enough batches and have lunch leftovers each day. (And it be yummy enough to want to revisit) then it’s only two fresh meals a day to contend with and hopefully little waste. Phew. Sometimes it’s an epic mission just procuring some nourishment and other times it comes effortlessly.
I’m blessed to be a mama at home presently with time to put into our meals so I’m refocusing.

With my goal to provide fresh, wholesome, nutritious meals every meal time, it can get overwhelming at times. Then it’s good to remember my friend saying, lovingly cooked eggs on toast is more nutritious than resentfully cooking an elaborate meal.
I used to tease a certain sister about her meal roster, until I was exhausted in the second baby days. I could not think straight about much or cook without burning something while I made the rest or come out with some weird uninspired dishes. The other trap is gastronomic boredom with the same five meals in rotation. I was losing a lot of weight and interest In eating and really needed a shift.
Really hard times that I’m sure some of you can relate to. Whether its a challenge from grief, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, overload, overwork, busy family life or other factors keeping our bodies well nourished can be a hard ask, which is essential to look at for good health and mental health.

I made a list of dishes I could make easily. Plus 10 I wanted to eat that where from friends or books. Plus jesses handful of dishes. Wrote them onto scraps of paper with blank backs for future additions and popped them into a jar. A lucky dip ensued and there pinned on a weekly chart was my meal ideas. I didn’t have to think about what was coming in the kitchen next. Phew!! So easy So clever so smart. Easy to shop once or twice a week. Easy to change or skip meals around. Easy to prepare legumes or grains in advance. I enjoyed tHe liberation of the day without “what the heck am I going to cook tonight ” looming over me all day. It was a step in realizing organization can free up more energy and time for doing other things!
So at this time of transition back to a big house, school rhythms, work rhythms and town life I look to these little tricks which help me keep up with myself and make my days a little more free and enjoyable.
Even if I don’t use it, I feel supported by a fall back plan!
What are some meals you would put In Your jar?
If you are the main cook in your home, what helps you keep inspired about your task?

Home made Mayonnaise ~ easier than you think

i have attempted mayonnaisse once before, it was a terrible gloppety glop which seperated in the first hour and no-one would eat. boo. condiment disaster.


and then one day recently, like a home cooking queen, my dear friend Dalee {Owl and Snail blog} casually offers to whip up some mayo to accompany lunch as the rice is not cooked yet. WHAT? squawks I

what can’t this woman do?

whip up mayonnaisse? i thought it was a half hour hand whisking ordeal for secondary results?


not anymore ladies and gentleman.

mayonnaisse, fresh, lemony, creamy mayo is within your grasp {if you have a power source/sauce and a blender}

no more sad sandwiches gasping for some moisture, no more shop tainted slaw,

read on and then

quick get your apron on and blender out…


Dalee’s deelicious home made whip it up casually MAYONNAISE

disclaimer~recipe is just a guideline, adjust ingredients as you see fit…

pop into your blender jug

  • 2 good and fresh eggs and another egg yolk
  • juice of half a lemon or more
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon of honey or similar

whizz til smooth then with motor running slOWly pour in oil in a steady drizzle until mixture thickens to your liking… ta da!!

approximately more than 1 cup of good oil but possibly less than 2 {depends on the weather}

Dalee recommended a blend of olive and a lighter oil like sunflower, i agree after tonights recipe trial. i also added a sprig of parsley to dye it an appealing shade of rolling meadows green

then good people, dollop, slather, spread, dip, splat, lick, enjoy!
Keep it in the fridge. I can’t legally recommend an exact UBD but perhaps up to 7 days?? do not leave out of the fridge for extended periods as it contains raw eggs, food poisoning is a concern.


try with roast potatoes, fish and salad {my dinner above. mm not bad… in another life i am a food shooter for culinary prints}

try it with….

vegie sticks

in coleslaw

in nori rolls

in chicken salad

egg sandwitches

in salad dressings

on frittata

on pancakes…?

IMG_0283well go on, make some soon and tell me what you enjoyed it with {as long as it’s food now}

looks good, tastes great and has raw eggs in it!

and what about Miss Dalee, artist, mama, musician, crafter, pioneer, yurt dwelling, homeschooling, mayonnaise queen. did you go look at her blog? or her skilled husband Jesse, who handcrafts beautiful Shakahachi flutes.
some more moments from my visit


Lily plays for The Ridge children

view from community house/kitchen to the sea


the kitchen of mayonnaise heaven…


Dalee also makes KimChi {fermented spicy vegetable condiment from Korean origin}



Lily disappears into the schoolroom within arms length of the bookshelf


playful artworks by Dalee and children


The Yurt~temporary home while they build/wait for approval to build from council


so cosy and light. furnished with many handmade pieces from the hands of mama and papa


a wedding gift from Jesse’s dad



circus fun



jesse dalee and eltham



my cute wee home for the night.

my cute wee home for the night.




and mayonnaise


there is another good mayo recipe and scientific examination of the sauce here

thankyou Ridge friends, you where the last stop on the way to Bellingen. i enjoyed my three fun days of inspiration with different friends and i left you feeling full and motivated and, well, inspired!

glimpses of Queensland so far…


forgive me. i have been so negligent here at RosaLindenTree. {gotta change the name one day, too long, any suggestions?}

so here i am banished out of the bus today for being too grumpy and crotchety {yes it’s not all love and coconuts.}

and i find happy refuge with a friends internet connection! yay. hours and hours of electricity. not a bad punishment.

so here comes a massive catch up with lots of photos and words! awesome.

get yourself a cuppa it’s really loooong…. but good!

a day after flying into Cairns, we are guided to Stoney Creek just north of the city, a beautiful cool place to land and have my first QLD freshwater dunk for the year and then take quiet grounding time to balance stones and add to the growing collection in the creek bed. i am so happy, jesse is so happy, the children are so happy scrambling about and crushing ochre stones. it feels good it feels right and i remember exactly why i am committed to this crazy lifestyle! and i am quickly recovering from my ten day solo pack up and leave Bellingen stint while sick and overwhelmed. thankyou dear friends who helped us and fed and housed us… right back to happy…



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another favorite camp north of Port Douglas, we often come to the creek here for swimming and picnics, today a good ole spaghetti ragu with local produce for lush salad… maybe a week into the trip and we are still all getting on!! yay
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and then another day beaching at Four mile Beach in Port Douglas, if you head to the central or southern end you can completely avoid the holiday crowd…IMG_0259 IMG_0257

ah my boy, IMG_0255

ah my girl,

i think the above two shots could qualify for  the 52 week portraits (a year of portraits of my children

from Che & Fidel)


the colours of coconut palm and sky



Lily begins to find her old favorite trees…



The best forest bath at our friends home…



happiness! look at the patch of dirt he has worn clear from spinning…


Our gorgeous friends from Sacred Oz have their incredible Message Stick Vehicle at home this week. I love closely looking at all the diverse Indigenous artworks from all around Australia and often find myself with heart swelling tears. Look here to find out more about this remarkable icon of Australian Reconciliation

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a very rare photograph of Jesse and I {thankyou Michael} and it’s even a genuine joy moment! hooray


and then to Davies Creek for a week of camping. it was trully blissful even though we arrived on a monday like last year, even though we postphoned the mondayitis to saturdayitis when we left the camp, even though it rained pretty constantly all week, even though i didn’t sleep so well by the rushing water, even though even though… these precious times i hold fast to as reminders of what is possible to experience in our family, remember this Rosi when the reality is far removed from this, remember to connect, remember to have hope, remember that it is not always so, remember to have gratitude, remember to give those little ones lots of hugs… remember, renember, rember, ember


when we arrive, Jesse gets the fire on and smokes the whole camping area for us. The children get straight into the game of foxes they played here last year… note Lily’s long blue ears and their stripey fur…

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the trees, the creek, the stones, the hairyman in the forest with a hollow stick…IMG_0122

serious rain business to dress up for, making channels for the smaller streams, floating things dowstream, splashing and getting the hangof the balance bike… and getting nearly all your clothes wet numerous times a day! aaarh IMG_0143 IMG_0170

above you see a variety of phases of coconut, in the silver bowl fresh water from a yellow nut as on the left. on the far right an opened young yellow nut with jelly flesh, above an older brown nut whose thick white meat we grate as you can see in the centre and the empty shell can be used as a handy vessel.. mmmm below you see a young nut with a drinking hole deftly cut open…{not my work, i am more savage…}IMG_0162 IMG_0156

monkeying around with slippery coconut jelly meatIMG_0031 IMG_0077

campfire buckwheat pancakes… mmm

here i used buckwheat flour, but my favorite recipe using whole groats is from my friend Carly over at

What Baby (and Boy) AteIMG_0178

noticing i didn’t photograph the rain moments so it looks so dry and fun…

we cope by making delicious food, playing games, reading, letting the kids play in the mud and water, eating something else yummy, going walking and splashing and adventuring, being patient, keeping the interior of the bus as tidy as possible while it’s a laundry site, allowing space and solo moments despite being so confined, making a bush treasure hint, crafting, knitting, writing, sleeping, listening to the water, singing…IMG_0173

had a little coconut frond weaving and made up this little flag fan… ahh it’s soooo hot… not, but it will be soon.IMG_0056

and this beautiful fruit bowl. more on weaving soon… maybe even a tutorialIMG_0190

inside crafting… the discovery of the one dot holepunch brings hours of amusement. poor deprived kids.IMG_0071

then this bear gets completely re outfitted by Lily lovingly.. IMG_0142

Just before departure we finalised this upstairs canvas cot for Lily, we had been dreaming it up for years and now it’s manifest and is awesome! keeps the floor space clear and Cedar has Lily’s up front bed  even though his little old cot was so cute…. Thankyou Marty for the help. It is two bamboo poles with a canvas cot slung between them. clever. good. smart. simpleIMG_0138 IMG_0174 IMG_0175

i’ve had a jaffle maker for a few years and finally christened it! yum. childhood goodness. {basically took so long because i am so uptight i refused to buy square sliced bread! i let go a little when i found some organic spelt loaf.. so neurotic. but admitting it freely xxx {i trully don’t care if you eat square sliced bread by the way, i will eat it with you happily i just love love love sturdy loaves of bread with hard crusts and chewy centres! i also have a few ridiculously stupid high expectations on myself}  ahhh liberation it was soooo yummy!IMG_0136

more good camp food. Babaganusch {spelling?} guacamole, vegies and roast spuds!

can you tell we kept our spirits up by focusing on the meals all week….IMG_0191 IMG_0193

Lily’s early birthday present appeared one morning… a slack line which has brought alot of fun and challenge to us all!!


a very rare portrait of your’s trully
well that’s enough blogging to last you a few weeks
see you later
roast potaytas

Good Airplane food

Good morning me, you’re up about 12 km above earth today! Fathom that… Is the highest mountains on earth about this high? I heard on Mars there’s a volcano about 28km high! I believe it’s the lack of gravity which enables it to keep growing unlike on earth. (Note to self, research stuff like this so I can score at Trivial pursuit. I mean get the facts straight before you publish it on your reputable blog Rosi!)

Transitioning mentally and emotionally began last night as I repacked my bag…
Do you know that moment when you become aware you are no longer fully here but not yet there…
I had pre travel tension through the night so blearily arose at 5.30 wondering why I chose the early flight…
Anyway the point of this post is the food. The inspiration I had because I’d rather not eat plane food. Plain food good. Plane food bad.
So I put together this morning


Yep iPhone photo not up to scratch…
Recipe as below, adapt to your taste and ingredients

A cup of full fat creamy Barambah honey yoghurt
A crisp apple washed cored and diced
A handful of Buckini (soaked and dehydrated buckwheat, crunchy yum)
A handful of black Chia seeds (excellent for digestion)
A dozen chopped almonds

Add sunflower seeds or pepitas
Natural yoghurt (personal preference. Honey yoghurt too sweet)
Fresh berries or other fruits
Rolled oats
I’ve also a great yoghurt recipe with beautiful photographs here…

Pack Into a leak proof container, maybe in a ziplock bag, pack a spoon
When you get peckish halfway from here to there you have a light but sustaining, healthy snack. Mmmm
Great for lunch boxes or car trips also. Make sure it’s with an ice pack if its a hot day.
Ps open your container away from you in the air as I’ve learnt the pressure build up inside the pot can make your yoghurt explode all over your nice charcoal grey city clothes:)

How would you do it?
Any plane survival tips anyone??

So far.. away…

on departure the morning mist cloaks the hillsidesIMG_0024

departing the fertile valleys of the mid north coast and headin south… it’s a beautiful perspective of the folds and crests of the land hearabouts from up sky..

the big smoke… a fleeting stopover…IMG_1761

on the plane i listen with empathy to the crying babes

and turn back to my book with glee… it’s not me with puking kids, this time…

at the airport Sydney I am famished as the few mouthfuls of breakfast I distractedly inhaled have worn off, i seek the noodle bar my mama described to me and am so enjoying my broth and reading and then the $2 massage chairs…

i forget to check in for my next flight…

oops, lucky i got a self proclaimed ‘nice’ man at the counter who lets me on anyway…

{feeling abit country mouse at this point but enjoying myself…}IMG_1702

arriving into a babble of easy banter with my oldest young friend, we join her friends inner city for lounging, ethiopian eating and dancing! wow feeling so bold and dashing in my red wool coat and that new wool skirt i made… {details one day. maybe}

in between i had a stroll in the road and delighted in my find of this Pincushion Hakea a favorite from Western Australia. What a quirky flower and great name. Some aspects of the medicine of this flower is

to have an open mind and be open to new ideas and interested in the world. {can you see how the flower reaches out in every direction confidently?}

Think that might come in handy this week for me?IMG_1755 IMG_1711

dinner, Ethiopian flavours astound me, smoky paprika or warm cumin or slightly vinegar pickle or sweet beet or queer fermented pancake bread… mmmm new things to experience

and 5 other lovely ladies to enjoy with…IMG_1760 IMG_1759

and then and then there was more at The SubstationIMG_1704

Dead Quarry Mountain Rats play high speed twanging tunes, handsome talented lads with flying fingers

{but i snobbishly think they could do with some articulation assistance…}

I cannot keep up and go out for a breather and a cuddle with the radiator

enjoying people watching and trying to digest the days stimulation!

until the highly quirky and amusing Perch Creek Family jug band step up and have me soon in stitchesIMG_1757

four siblings and a partner, all beautifully talented musicians and a couple sporting magnificent vocal range! harmonies to soar in this great hall and hilarious almost embaressing banter betwixt.

when did dorky become cool? i think i could really fit into this scene in Melbourne…

In another life I played double bass and when i see the instrument hopping and jiving in this folk/bluegrass/soul context i long to be there thumping out the bass line. it really wasn’t so much fun at the back of the orchestra…IMG_1718

this sign greets me in my dear friends kitchen. I say YES yes yes!IMG_1736

being idle in the sunroom for hours… luxury… my thoughts can come to a natural completion with no interruption! hoorah! i can think any think i can think…

and then such a long long invigorating seaside stroll with a myriad of greys and mauves and silver sheening water for companyIMG_1763 IMG_1770

and pressing my face into WA wildflowers growing happily in the garden

Geraldton wax my favorite since ever has taken me on a great healing journey {still on it actually}


in another life i spent a year working on an artwork of this flower and a dear friend put it onto my skin. daily reminders of the medicine of this flower…

have you ever crushed some of the leaf and smelt the divine aroma?

and then check out these enormous pillars of Banksia. Im not sure which variety but so striking.


and then later…

IMG_1753my daily victual awaits…

ahhhh so full of gratitude to all who have made this a possibility and to myself, yippee you’ve given yourself a mini sabbatical… xx

what would you do if you could run away from life for a few days?