Apple pickin’

Being on The Apple Isle has got me thinking apples apples apples. Drawing together the apple memories and stories, such as….

Remember, not so long ago we where picking apples in southern Germany? On our friends hillside orchard, views out to the Uracher hills and villages dotted below. Blue blue sky, crisp air, wood smoke and birds a’twitter, Lily yodelling and general early autumnal happiness

 If we managed to bag an apple with the unwieldy picker instead of it catapulting down the hill and being too bruised to eat, we where cheering!. Sitting in an apple tree with a fresh scented apple to munch and crunch. Oh joy. One of my all time favourite fruits! This unnamed apple variety was crisp and tart/sweet perfection with a beautifully blushed skin. Somewhat like a Cox’s Orange Pippin. It was early picking days but our friends where away for the month and we where leaving for Australia in two days so we picked what we could to store in their cellar. Maybe I actually forgot to put them in the cellar after all…

I loved the talk of the apples, the different trees and when they fruited and which month or weather marked the picking and end of season, which apples stored until January, which ones needed eating directly, which ones where better after a few months in the cellar,  which ones where for stewing and which for brewing. 

Why are the ripest apples always out of reach? Shining up at the sun….

We just visited The Apple Shed museum, brewery and restaurant just north of Huonville, but that’s another apple story!

right now…

Amidst illness, parenting challenges, life challenges, menstruating, mess, lethargy, humidity and losing my life map temporarily as the end of the year screams towards me…..

Happiness is a coconut leaf harvest basket, full of colour and scent for dinner

These tiny moments keep me sane and happier! 

It really is the small things people.

Lebanese cucumbers

Green yellow AND purple beans

Chinese greens ( self sown, great weed suppressor)



Lemon sorrel

Pineapple sage flowers

What are you harvesting from your garden or your life?



des glaneuses {the pecan harvest}

IMG_0004in the fields the pecan trees drop their bountiful treasure

the cockatoos swing overhead and the ticks lurk below shadows

a basket of size or make, soon spills brown eggs to hatch small brown birds

the queen nut and her babies are captured lovingly

while children bounce, frolic, nest and throw.

oh to covet a fireside nut crushing eve

and invent our own fairytales

this kinship and little people wriggles

jaffles in moonlight and the bright silhouettes sway

the foragers filled and the gypsies sleep by the coals in mandarin cloaks

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nut tree nut tree

there is treasure hidden in your leaves

nut tree nut tree

drop your gifts down to me

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IMG_0082thanking thee dear friends.

and Miss F for the capture of me in the frames above.

pumpkin and pecan pie anyone?

pecan ice cream?

pecan truffles?

pecan and cinnamon cake?

pecan and mushroom soup?

pecan pecan hecan mecan?


did you like my nutty poetree? and my nutty daughter?

because you are what you eat!!

more on foraging here.


Waking up to…


i have become quite attatched to these animals

the hens and Mr Pantaloons are so amusing

as anyone who has spent time with hens knows

in that slightly daft and theatrical way which they behave

he really is very beautiful, a storybook rooster

with a fantastic crow

and he takes good care of his ladies

i’ve been playing farmgirl these last months

and it is sweet simple tasks which brighten the morning

and encourage one to get up early before it is hot

animals who love to see you every day consistantly boost one’s self esteem

{even if deep down i know it’s the one with the bucket they love….}

i have gained more confidence with these goat girls and can milk with a

great Heidi-esque splash now

i still cannot yodel, surely there must be a you tube tutorial on it…

must look that up

they are mischievous and daring

cheeky and personable

just like a story one girl turned around and started to nibble my hat

really! goats don’t really eat hats do they??

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and then later i morph from farm mama into crafting mama

i had some lessons on setting up a table loom in WA

i never did post the photos… another day yet again

{do you wonder about behind the scenes and all i don’t share?

some of it is simply beautiful and disappears in the motion of the days of wonder

and some of it is the most ugly parts of my life which i hold tight to me in fear of what you or i might think or they are simply too raw to reveal on this medium}

anyway weaving.

lily received a great loom from aunty J for her birthday,

instructions in German where too complex

but yesterday i did it! {thanks mama}

success and away we went

the three of us a weaving team, the rhythm of our tasks helping something wondrous and special come together

for papa {shhhhh}

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the law of des glaneuses

pink cloverin the field

under the gaze of the mountains

the beauty of the mountains

in the deep verdant grass and flowers

lies our stinky bounty

the treasure we hunt

with joy and exclamations of success

the biggest clove ever woody

there in the garlic field

after the harvesters have been

and tirelessly pulled tonnes of perfect garlic heads

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we are free to forage

delightful abundance

food for free

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following the legal art of gleaning in France

as our french guests have enightened me

we gather

a years supply of pungent organic garlic

grown 300m from where we sleep

blessed are we

more paper bag uses

when hands are put to work

and a little effort and a group of willing children

it’s fun for us all

and then a mad dash home hysterical

high on garlic fumes

the rain chasing us

thankyou to the growers abundance!thankyou to the growers who water mulch weed harvest and share this beautiful crop


teahouse treehouse

when you where small

did you have somewhere equally small and sheltered

to play out life, imagine, create, tinker, have teaparties, or disappear?

in the last days Cedar and I have been working on his place

it’s been so sweet, delightful and cherishable {is that a real real word?}

we are both pretty happy when there is good work to be done

i thought this outdoor working together would suit us as a mama and toddler team

and it’s gratifying to see it really does

when there’s digging, lifting, mulching, weeding, watering or lugging to be done

we are slow but we are happy in the task together

it’s a simple place this boy of mine has now

tucked in the deep shade of a bottletop lemonade tree

{delicious sweet lemon with a bulbous bottle like shape}

a bit of raking

a bit of pruning

a bit of mulching

a little hauling of stumps

a little plank balancing shelving

a golden enamel teapot

some tiny teacups

free access to water

some linen {mama of course}

a wee bottle of flowers

and some guests {leopards}

a little content man

in turns, we where graciously invited in for tea…

thankyou sweet little one for reminding me to stop and play

and bringing the simple gladness of being together

and evoking memories of my own small years


keep cool for after school {bircher muesli}



Bircher Muesli Recipe and story

when i was a small girl

we lived in the West Australian wheatbelt

summer days frequently kissing blue skies and 40~celcius

after school the seemingly endless burnt orange gravel drive

shimmered and baked me

chasing after bigger faster sisters on bicycles

anxious in the hot vast expanse of golden crisped paddocks

i don’t remember a single tree on that km stretch to the house paddock

was there shade along the way?

and then i was there

pushing through the small side gate

often teary often late

there was our sturdy brick home with deep shaded verandahs

and my calm mama waiting in the cool dim kitchen with

hugs cheerfulness and

bircher muesli

sweet tart chilled textured cooling surprising delicious

was it so tasty because it was made with genuine swiss hands

and the apple grated with an authentic swiss bircher grater {so i call it}

what secret ingredient did you infuse this refreshing meal with mama?

mine never meets the reputation of my memory

so here i am now

on a meltingly hot day

waiting for my little to come dancing into home again after a long week

and i make bircher muesli

and think of cool kitchens and dark, even cooler pantries

{where i used to sneak crunches of dried pasta or other goods and lat on the cold floor

or draw on the back of door chalkboard}

now i think of

mama love

growing up

sour apples and yoghurt

i am blessed to be using yoghurt from the cows milk provided by yonder dexters

which forms a coveted cream top

thankyou to C for making it

there is an abundance of Bircher Muesli recipes out there in the world

i wouldn’t say mine is traditional as my bircher grater is still in storage and i chopped the apple instead…

you know i’m kidding right?

so I won’t do more than list the ingredients i used this particular time

2 handfuls organic unstabilised rolled oats

2 oranges squeezed over oats fresh from orchard

2 cups natural yoghurt from neighbours cows

1 handful dessicated coconut

2 tablespoons unhulled tahini

2 tablespoons maple syrup

2 tablespoons sesame seeds

1 small handful raisins

1 handful chopped almonds

1 tspn cinnamon powder

1 green apple from farmers market

1 green pear

1 banana from big market

1 handful blueberries

1 handful wild rasberries picked by a neighbour

mix and refridgerate

be inventive be flexible use what you have

the idea is softened oats yoghurt and fruit

i tend to soak the dry goods in the orange juice for a while before i add the yoghurt and fruit section

some people soak the oats overnight in the fruit juice til morn

for me that becomes a super digestible breakfast but kind of slimy and sticky, what do you think?

i forgot to add chia seeds, that might be nice

my mama used to put in stone fruits and grapes in later summer

and i hear tell she used some condensed milk to sweeten it…

is that true? did i forget any other special ingredient mamala?

how do you make this dish?

what would you add?

what was waiting for you when you got home on hot days?

what do you make for your kidlets now?

**peace be with you and your bellies**

Waking up to…

Waking up to…

Heidi and Peter bringing in the goats for milking

{we have only just finished devouring Heidi by Johanna Spyri these last days, now look at our new reality!}

an enjoyable chore surprisingly!

I am nowhere near as dexterous as these young ones on the milking front…

I had always thought I detested goat’s milk, but here… yum, so sweet and mild

throughout the day i listen for the tinkle of the bell in the orchard and enjoy watching these nimble girls scamper about, balance up trees to peg down tasty leaves or frolic about in that particular goaty fashion.

I am enjoying the developing relationship with these curious, opportunistic, character filled creatures and am deeply grateful for their delicious milk and subsequent cheeses which our kind friend makes! Yum

something to love on the farm…