Right now

Right now, choosing to sing instead of morning chores.

At years begin I wished to have a harmonium (small bellows piano) and invite more singing and music into my life. (Greatly inspired by joining Loren Kate in song during our SA travels)
I feel happier, more serene, heart aglow when I sing. It’s a connection to my centre which is more steadfast than my fluctuating personality/moods. I did a voice workshop recently, which was as intense as it was beneficial with my confidence and freedom of sounding.
I love to sing devotional music and at present I am finding the chanting of some ancient vedic chants are uplifting and also deeply moving. Chanting in another language allows me a freedom to sink into the sounds and the intellect has to take a backseat. I become more present with the meditation and the resonance of the music. It becomes a more simple moment of prayer to the wisdom and connection and beauty in and around myself.
It’s a joy to accompany myself with the harmonium and not be dependant on Jesse for guitar playing. (Hence snatching a moment to sing alone becomes possible, oh yes I sing without accompaniment also but it’s so fun with an instrument)

This morning Cedar was happy drawing at the table in front of me. He could talk to me or show me his art while I fulfilled my own need for expression. Even with a mountain of washing at my side and unfinished jobs around, to choose 15 minutes to do something which leaves me feeling mmmm lovely and happy has made me proud of myself. (Changing habits)

And then he’s next to me with the pencils wanting a tractor and we are talking about his image. It’s the first drawing he’s described to me with a story. Honey tree mama. Honey coming out. Bucket honey.

And then we are moving into the next moment…
What are you choosing for inspiration in your life?
What small gifts could you give yourself today?
What leaves you feeling mmmmm lovely?


Welcome welcome
Roll up roll up
Introducing a new page here at Rosalindentree
Announcing L’illustrations

autumn play in celebration of the season change

L’illustrations is a changing gallery of original artworks by Lily aged eight.
I had the honor of a brief interview with the artist
Lily how does it feel to know people all around the world are looking at your art?
how do you think they will feel when they see your drawings?

So I hope Lily’s whimsical illustrations bring you as much happiness as they do for her and for us!!

Bruny Island bliss

Bruny Island adventures

a long story with lots of photographs

It begins with

crankiness along the coast


tired and tetchy

itchy and scratchy

we are at a frictious all time low {i think that every time we hit the downside of our cycle}

finally a camp at the neck campground and some play


i remember to bring out the watercolour paints and pencils

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Jesse remembers to play music

(note the kids cubby next door)


which i tried to help with by request and ended up being screamed at

tempers are frayed these days

but Lily finds meditation in making a bush home for Cedar’s leopard


we look for penguins late into the night

and are just cold and disappointed

{take a red light torch and lots of warm clothes, a flask of hot tea and make everyone be silent or the penguins will wait until the noisy crowd gives up and not come to everyone else leaves! making their young wait hours while they wait in the water until it’s safe}


adventure bay offers us a little respite simply by being beautiful and we split up and take a child each and some space

but things are stilted and we are not flowing together

even filling our water tank becomes an issue

i am reminded that despite external surroundings it is one’s inner state which dictates one’s happiness

and that when one is happy one doesn’t mind so much where one is!

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i start to pray

help us find a safe place to unfold

find a friend for Lily

find a supportive friend for Jesse

find me a hot shower and some nurturing

and then

like a mirage is Michael running down the road

ask and ye shall receive

oh thankyou!

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Michaels blue bush palace has evidence of his seabound joy everywhere

boats, diving gear, surfboards, fishing tackle, shells, paddles, wetsuits, seaweed…..

He and Jesse met nearly 15 years ago and he generously invites us to stay a night

{which becomes two}

he has an abundant garden including a hothouse for the cold season

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and thrives on this and seafood of all varieties

he collects and dries his own wild seaweed for added nutrition!

Michael shares his warm heart and uplifting life values so openly

we can’t help but ease open too.

Lily and his son Brody become instant mates and Cedar is happy playing with his tonka truck

or shovelling sand

I luxuriate in a long hot riverwater shower…

We are blown away to have abalone prepared for us {me first time! ahhhh yum}

though at first i can’t believe these yucky slimy mess are so coveted

the bounty of Michael and Flo’s {current French WWOOFer}  recent dive

prepared with Michaels incredible {unusual} experienced process

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{not what they do in restaurents}

we are soon feasting

Cedar decides to eat nothing else!

luxury tender surprising salty deliciousness!

i cant quite fathom we are eating about $300 worth of abalone!

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Jesse and I look at each other and wonder how we got here?

while the men are cooking I wander about photographing the property

it is all blue, light, timber trims, glass and mirrors

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a lush oasis on Bruny island


and then morning and Michael shares his passion for surfing with us

his clear enthusiasm is infectious and transparent

we meet the only other family on the beach on holiday from Sydney and wishing they lived here

i am fascinated by his {holiday fellow} hollow wooden surfboard, a beautiful play thing


Lily gets her first wave! she is helped up to standing and then pushed off to ride to shore again and again

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she is totally high

and freezing


while the others are in the icy seaweedy water {swim anyone?}

i play ashore with Cedar

and engage myself with unknotting a 15m tangle of kelp I love this giant sea tree

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i slice some of the new growth to take home and dry

to add to soups

next is our beach drive tour of Cloudy bay

ending with a paradisical swim in the pristine turquoise calm side of the bay

the land is a stunning contrast of sea sky and forest

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it feels untouched and still enchanted here and i am deeply touched by the peace and bounty of this area

the children slide down a massive sand dune endlessly

Jesse and I swim and chase

while Michael catches up on some internet work

{and if y’all get over there quick you too can meet Michael at the awesome festival which he organizes!}

what a beautiful friend living an incredible lifestyle

I am so inspired by this man who is living his bliss

sharing his bliss

caring for and inspiring others

Thankyou for welcoming us in and encouraging the joy back into our hearts


so a long story that started painfully, had a happy ending

and the finale was sailing the bus and eating a pile of fresh baguettes and cheese…

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sometimes i feel like the luckiest woman

Daniel the Devil

Last week at Salamanca market we chose
Daniel the Devil from local authors and artists, Marion and Steve Isham.
They have published 18 books for kids featuring Australian characters animals and historical features. They are informative, beautiful and unique. Some have riddled or clues hidden in them.
Lily plans to choose one book each week!
Daniel has inspired some shadow puppet making this morning so Lily can make a play of the book. She’s using black electrical tape on paper with long pop sticks and is looking forward to taking them up to show Marion and Steve later in the day!!20130209-093850.jpg20130209-093901.jpg20130209-094104.jpg20130209-100907.jpg20130209-100901.jpg

While Cedar has ( with help) thickly covered a page with wax crayon(stockmar beeswax blocks) and is scratching at the layers with a pointed stick to reveal pretty colored patterns.
Remember doing this as a kid?

Here you go if you are interested in the books!!


where did she go?

Excuse me

Have you seen January?

I seem to have misplaced her

While i

Neglected the blog/boggle

Spent a lot of time in the moment

Travelled as far south as we could go


Caught the sky from the bridge

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fished unsuccessfully

Fossicked for shellfish and feasted

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she sang

cockles and mussels alive alive oh…

Wondered about the history of the place

Now called Cockle Creek


Abundance food and wildlife

Whispers of grand old trees


And strong people watching

Wails of whales as they where massacred in the bay

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A sad sad history to learn about

From humorous informative rangers

Learnt about our magnificent giants of the sea

And how to rescue a beached one or many

{remember, call for help, keep warm,  don’t breath in their blowhole, pilot whales are the most commonly beached in Tasmania, put a stick in the ground infront of live ones, keep their tails to the sea until you are ready to release them all at the same time, shade them}

felt impressed that my girl has this appreciation for whales and dolphins, experience and knowledge for the rest of her life now

felt on the right path of life


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Took a classic portrait of men and bones


had a whale of a time!

IMG_0326 three month old southern right whale lifesize sculpture!

Enjoyed the sea air and the shelter from it


i Got cold but

Jesse finally took the plunge


while Lily had a nature drawing sessionIMG_0341 IMG_0348

I lounged in triggerplant bliss

My head amongst a million pink helpers

the medicine of rejuvenation and restoration

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Met young old friends

And had a date up a giant tree

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Lily had a lock on

Then we

Grudgingly left

Coaxed on by a berry  good carrot

Drove north

While I processed a myriad of thoughts emotions and responses

And gave thanks for a time of respite

Amidst the chaos of full days

Mostly joyful

With berry/cherry stained lips

Noticed the tiredness.depression link

And went to bed



Narawntapu National Park

On the windy northern coast of Tasmania

is found Narawntapu NP

the first NP to adopt the original indigenous name in Tasmania (previously Asbestos NP)

I couldn’t quite fathom the vast sky and vista

the golden glowing grass and wind whipped waterways

with mountains framing the blowing landscape

scrubby bush and swampy grass hillocky plains

i simply circled the sky with my eyes and mind wide

and my goodness

in the long golden sunset

the wombats!

i had made a wish on the journey over to please please

let me see a wombat, a live healthy wombat please, even just one please!

for the first time in the wild.

well lady! not one but many

including a mama and baby who waddled past our bus!

the baby comically bumped into mothers buttocks when it got surprised by our presence!

we heard from jackie french the way to approach is slowly and singing

as they are so short sighted if they can hear you they will not run in surprise

we where able to get very close to some of these lovely big land koalas

joy for us all

the birdlife and the wetlands and the tiger snake! are also stunning

Lily and I had a date with our visual diaries in the bird hide

I so enjoying drawing simple black ink water plants and landscape

an exulting multitude of wildlife

a very special sanctuary to visit
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