The games we play…

In my main childhood kitchen there stood a tall narrow white cupboard within arms reach of our kitchen table. Running along one side of the table was a long pine bench my eldest sister made in woodwork. It could seat 6 or more but if you where left for last and put your weight on one end it would tip you right off. (I wonder where that bench is now…) our table was often stuffed with our own family plus guests and the cosy noise and simple meals stay with me. Mum how did you gracefully accommodate another few spontaneous guests to our busy crew and stretch the meals so everyone had enough?
Anyway the cupboard. Open the door and you will find top to bottom crammed with games! Oh joy what shall we play tonight? (today,this morning,now?) no one has to leave the hub to play.
Being the fourth child I was pretty savvy for my age and had to keep up with my elders and for the record I did NOT always cheat! I’m actually very skilled at strategy. So there.
Anyway the cupboard. Where have all those games gone by the way?
Such a variety. I never enjoyed Monopoly, but I did like Cluedo and Chinese checkers and Sagaland (the enchanted forest) and Labyrinth and canasta and Europareise(travel Europe) and Speed and UNO and memory (a german anniversary set with some gorgeous photographs and artworks and a few that scared me) and and so many more.
Many games came from our Grandmother in Switzerland. Perhaps every Christmas? Good Ravensburger brand board games and puzzles with beautiful artwork.
A feature of my childhood play and now a feature of my children’s play. I love love the game times and whether i am playing or overhearing Lily and friends it’s all warm and happy inside for me. (unless there is squabbling of course)
It can be a safe place for playful squabbly banter and venting and teasing. a place of togetherness across all ages, an ice breaker and a bonding tool. It’s good not to take oneself too seriously.
We have a few friends we play games with and I cherish these playful connections.
At my Mums there is still Often a game after dinner, Scrabble or Zilch (dice game)
One rare Christmas at mums with all 6
Siblings and family saw all the adults staying up late playing games. Fun fun wholesome fun.

Great learning is happening for Lily with her numbers and sums with Dice games.

How do games fit into your family?
What’s your top games and why?
How can you play more in your life?
Want to come over for a games night?

Saga land
The orchard
Chinese checkers
Guess who
Connect four

Spelling Gnome (formerly known as hang man, draw a gnome in stages)




Right now…

Just hours away from going home!!
Home to our bus, home to papa, home together.
Jesse will be meeting us in the warm evening of cairns soon. I imagine there will be a green coconut or two for dessert and lots of smiling and that funny exhilarated giggly happiness of coming together again.
Ten days is not long on a calendar, but for me this time has seemed looooooong. I’ve been fighting off a bug And simple exhaustion from moving house 4 times this last month as we gratefully took up our friends house sits to see out the end of school term. Phew!! Thanks all of you.
We’ve stayed in a mud brick mansion, an A frame timber home with fire heated radiators, a shed house, a homely self contained apartment and finally a bus.
Gradually downsizing ready for our own bus!!

Holding steady for two little people when I’m feeling vulnerable is a task gigantum presently. The insight I’ve had is keep it simple. My anxiety lessens when I
Lessen my expectations on myself!
let food be simple. As one friend pointed out a lovingly cooked egg on toast is probably more nutritious than a stressed out complex cooked meal.
Make them eggs, smile and sit with them.
Let there be mess. Really. It’s ok Rosi.
Leave dishes in the sink overnight and go read them stories and cuddle.
Let them play. Let them bathe. Let them help.
Ask for help.
Thank you everyone who cooked for us last week…
Have humor switched on.
Be honest with people if I’m not coping.
Remember this too will pass!
One day it will be in the past ( that day is today!!!)
Hooray. (Nervously)
What makes life more graceful for you at transition times?

Favorite read-aloud/early reader books






below you will find an incomplete list of some favorite early reader/read aloud books

probably aimed at age 6-12 though you know your own child and what’s appropriate best

i choose books which present good values and stories of human striving, good adventures which aren’t too scary and look for language which is not abusive

you’ll notice they are often set away from the technology of current life to bring imaginative and descriptive food to my girl

some from my own childhood or my mama’s, some from friends, the library, bookshops, online, second hand treasures, gifts and lucky finds

with no television and minimal media time in our family, reading brings a relaxing stimulus individually or with read aloud story time. Our collection of books is fast devoured and then reread so if you have any favorites to recommend me i would be so grateful! travelling allows so much uninterrupted time for Lily to read which has been an unplanned gift.

My reviews are spontaneous and simple, i just wanted to give you a quick idea of the content for ease. You can find these books online at The Book Depository if you have no bookstore in your town, there’s a handy link over there on the right of my webpage…
lily takes care of reading

Mr poppers penguins-the humourous tales of a man’s love for penguins and their mishaps away from Antarctica
The secret garden-an orphan’s blooming into life with the gift of a garden
The little princess-a moving tale of rich’s to rags
The children of noisy village/happy times in noisy village-swedish village life from the perspective of 9 year old Lisa

The sheep pig-a creature who queries the expected and is bold enough to be different and follow his heart
Charlottes web-a classic philosophical tale of friendship and honesty

Pippi long stockings-the strongest most unconventional girl in the world

horse crazy -Australian girls and there horsey adventures by the author of Magic Beach and other popular books

My cat penguin-an Australian boy learns to overcome prejudice and makes an unexpected friend

Tansy magill-an australian girl clever and adventurous(we met the author in Cygnet Tasmania!)

Mr Gallianos circus-the tales of the boy Jimmy joining the circus, his love for animals and his dear friend Lotta

Come to the circus-an orphan girl finds her home in the circus, also kindness friendship and acceptance

The children of cherry tree farm-the adventures and happenings on the farm

Laura ingalls series favorites are little house in the big woods and farmer boy-pioneer stories from USA

The last little cat-a cat looking for a home comes full circle

The secret world of wombats-Humorous and informative insight into wombats and their humans by Jackie French

The BFG-Roald Dahl’s delightful story of a girl kidsnatched and loved by a giant, together they save the world

Charlie and the chocolate factory-from a humble start to a sweet adventure

Tiptoes Lightly-fairy adventures

happy reading people xx

Right now

These little books by Ali Mitgutsch are a firm favorite with all the people’s in our extended family.

A mini board book to suit little hands the detailed paintings are amusing and packed with character. They have no words and this seems to make them more entertaining as we make up our own stories and there’s no distraction from the beautiful and funny scenes.
There are books of the seasons(European) farm life, town life, city life and others I can’t remember right now. Also start to finish story’s like from bees to honey…
We have a lot of them and today sticky taping this ones page back in( as a baby Cedar gnawed off the spine, lily very cross because she is still firmly attached to them) I’m reminded of how I really really must share them! As a wee one Lily would peruse them for hours when we where driving, or nibble the corners…
Anyway truly beloved and highly recommended. I think they may not have English translations… Hehee
You can find them here:)
Do your babies chew on books too?

Ps did you notice all those herb bottles, yes there is a cough in the house unfortunately. Seems to come when we are doing a big move… I’m working on that.

Right now

Right now, choosing to sing instead of morning chores.

At years begin I wished to have a harmonium (small bellows piano) and invite more singing and music into my life. (Greatly inspired by joining Loren Kate in song during our SA travels)
I feel happier, more serene, heart aglow when I sing. It’s a connection to my centre which is more steadfast than my fluctuating personality/moods. I did a voice workshop recently, which was as intense as it was beneficial with my confidence and freedom of sounding.
I love to sing devotional music and at present I am finding the chanting of some ancient vedic chants are uplifting and also deeply moving. Chanting in another language allows me a freedom to sink into the sounds and the intellect has to take a backseat. I become more present with the meditation and the resonance of the music. It becomes a more simple moment of prayer to the wisdom and connection and beauty in and around myself.
It’s a joy to accompany myself with the harmonium and not be dependant on Jesse for guitar playing. (Hence snatching a moment to sing alone becomes possible, oh yes I sing without accompaniment also but it’s so fun with an instrument)

This morning Cedar was happy drawing at the table in front of me. He could talk to me or show me his art while I fulfilled my own need for expression. Even with a mountain of washing at my side and unfinished jobs around, to choose 15 minutes to do something which leaves me feeling mmmm lovely and happy has made me proud of myself. (Changing habits)

And then he’s next to me with the pencils wanting a tractor and we are talking about his image. It’s the first drawing he’s described to me with a story. Honey tree mama. Honey coming out. Bucket honey.

And then we are moving into the next moment…
What are you choosing for inspiration in your life?
What small gifts could you give yourself today?
What leaves you feeling mmmmm lovely?

Good Airplane food

Good morning me, you’re up about 12 km above earth today! Fathom that… Is the highest mountains on earth about this high? I heard on Mars there’s a volcano about 28km high! I believe it’s the lack of gravity which enables it to keep growing unlike on earth. (Note to self, research stuff like this so I can score at Trivial pursuit. I mean get the facts straight before you publish it on your reputable blog Rosi!)

Transitioning mentally and emotionally began last night as I repacked my bag…
Do you know that moment when you become aware you are no longer fully here but not yet there…
I had pre travel tension through the night so blearily arose at 5.30 wondering why I chose the early flight…
Anyway the point of this post is the food. The inspiration I had because I’d rather not eat plane food. Plain food good. Plane food bad.
So I put together this morning


Yep iPhone photo not up to scratch…
Recipe as below, adapt to your taste and ingredients

A cup of full fat creamy Barambah honey yoghurt
A crisp apple washed cored and diced
A handful of Buckini (soaked and dehydrated buckwheat, crunchy yum)
A handful of black Chia seeds (excellent for digestion)
A dozen chopped almonds

Add sunflower seeds or pepitas
Natural yoghurt (personal preference. Honey yoghurt too sweet)
Fresh berries or other fruits
Rolled oats
I’ve also a great yoghurt recipe with beautiful photographs here…

Pack Into a leak proof container, maybe in a ziplock bag, pack a spoon
When you get peckish halfway from here to there you have a light but sustaining, healthy snack. Mmmm
Great for lunch boxes or car trips also. Make sure it’s with an ice pack if its a hot day.
Ps open your container away from you in the air as I’ve learnt the pressure build up inside the pot can make your yoghurt explode all over your nice charcoal grey city clothes:)

How would you do it?
Any plane survival tips anyone??