Right now

Right now, choosing to sing instead of morning chores.

At years begin I wished to have a harmonium (small bellows piano) and invite more singing and music into my life. (Greatly inspired by joining Loren Kate in song during our SA travels)
I feel happier, more serene, heart aglow when I sing. It’s a connection to my centre which is more steadfast than my fluctuating personality/moods. I did a voice workshop recently, which was as intense as it was beneficial with my confidence and freedom of sounding.
I love to sing devotional music and at present I am finding the chanting of some ancient vedic chants are uplifting and also deeply moving. Chanting in another language allows me a freedom to sink into the sounds and the intellect has to take a backseat. I become more present with the meditation and the resonance of the music. It becomes a more simple moment of prayer to the wisdom and connection and beauty in and around myself.
It’s a joy to accompany myself with the harmonium and not be dependant on Jesse for guitar playing. (Hence snatching a moment to sing alone becomes possible, oh yes I sing without accompaniment also but it’s so fun with an instrument)

This morning Cedar was happy drawing at the table in front of me. He could talk to me or show me his art while I fulfilled my own need for expression. Even with a mountain of washing at my side and unfinished jobs around, to choose 15 minutes to do something which leaves me feeling mmmm lovely and happy has made me proud of myself. (Changing habits)

And then he’s next to me with the pencils wanting a tractor and we are talking about his image. It’s the first drawing he’s described to me with a story. Honey tree mama. Honey coming out. Bucket honey.

And then we are moving into the next moment…
What are you choosing for inspiration in your life?
What small gifts could you give yourself today?
What leaves you feeling mmmmm lovely?