Buckwheat pancakes


We {read I} have been making regular batches of buckwheat pancakes. mm mmm

i’ve written about the origin of my recipe from lovely gluten free blog what baby{and boy} ate;  here…

and other pancakey berry adventures here…

for my non measure recipe; I use about 1 and a 1/2 cups of raw organic buckwheat and soak it in the blender overnight

in the morning add 2 eggs and some extra water and whizz it up smooth

cook in coconut oil


I have better success if I heat the cast iron pan very well first and keep it well oiled. they take a little longer than wheat flour pancakes to cook. be patient, it’s worth it!!

Buckwheat is one of my favorite gluten free seeds for porridge {soak overnight with almonds, currants, quinoa and nuts, simmer about 15 minutes in the morning} and pancakes. I have done some sprouting of them but find the slimy tendency in this humid climate off putting!

a good protein source apparently and easily digestible for most tummies.

a nice buckwheat quote…

“The properties of buckwheat are: Neutral thermal nature; sweet flavor; cleans and strengthens the intestines and improves appetite..”  According to Paul Pitchford in Healing with Whole Foods (1993)

buckwheat pancakes

notice the jar of rapadura sugar? this has lately replaced the maple syrup bottle while stocks are out. it’s been a good experiment to see that Lily can now self moderate a teaspoon sprinkle of sugar on her pancakes. Yay! it has paid off, all that strict mama monitoring of sugar … now i can relax abit about it and know she knows i know she knows; how to self regulate sugar intake and feel good in her body! luckily Cedar copies her…

what do you do with buckwheat?

oh my!! berries are sooo delightful! i sure am looking forward to another summer in Tasmania….


Good Airplane food

Good morning me, you’re up about 12 km above earth today! Fathom that… Is the highest mountains on earth about this high? I heard on Mars there’s a volcano about 28km high! I believe it’s the lack of gravity which enables it to keep growing unlike on earth. (Note to self, research stuff like this so I can score at Trivial pursuit. I mean get the facts straight before you publish it on your reputable blog Rosi!)

Transitioning mentally and emotionally began last night as I repacked my bag…
Do you know that moment when you become aware you are no longer fully here but not yet there…
I had pre travel tension through the night so blearily arose at 5.30 wondering why I chose the early flight…
Anyway the point of this post is the food. The inspiration I had because I’d rather not eat plane food. Plain food good. Plane food bad.
So I put together this morning


Yep iPhone photo not up to scratch…
Recipe as below, adapt to your taste and ingredients

A cup of full fat creamy Barambah honey yoghurt
A crisp apple washed cored and diced
A handful of Buckini (soaked and dehydrated buckwheat, crunchy yum)
A handful of black Chia seeds (excellent for digestion)
A dozen chopped almonds

Add sunflower seeds or pepitas
Natural yoghurt (personal preference. Honey yoghurt too sweet)
Fresh berries or other fruits
Rolled oats
I’ve also a great yoghurt recipe with beautiful photographs here…

Pack Into a leak proof container, maybe in a ziplock bag, pack a spoon
When you get peckish halfway from here to there you have a light but sustaining, healthy snack. Mmmm
Great for lunch boxes or car trips also. Make sure it’s with an ice pack if its a hot day.
Ps open your container away from you in the air as I’ve learnt the pressure build up inside the pot can make your yoghurt explode all over your nice charcoal grey city clothes:)

How would you do it?
Any plane survival tips anyone??

Upside down Autumn Peach-preme

saving for her grandparentsyesterday i made an awful cake

trully dry, overcooked, flat, gritty, pasty disappointment {one reviewer commented it expanded in your mouth…}

the ingredients where amazing! it turned out atrociously and i felt some grievance as to the wastage of goodness

{and the ruination of my cake queen recipe}

today to make amends and lift my energy Lily and I created

Upside Down Autumn Peach-Preme {as in supreme}

The delicious simple spongy layer below caramelised peach heaven will make this a sure Autumn favorite when the late peaches are pink and sweet…

The cake layer is thin so you could easily double the mixture if you have a bigger family/guests



175g unsalted butter soft

1/4 c brown sugar

2 eggs

1c spelt flour

1tspn baking powder

up to 1/4 cup milk

2 large peaches thinly sliced {1cm at thickest end} or enough to cover your baking dish

butter to dab over them

{all measurements are approximations except the eggs!! use your inner cake intuition}

paper line a 20cm square baking dish or equivalent

preheat oven to 160’c

  • line the base of your tin with the peach slices prettily and dot with butter
  • beat sugar and butter til creamy
  • and one egg, mix well, then the other {if ingredients are not binding add a spoonful of flour}
  • mix in remaining flour and baking powder
  • adjust texture with extra milk if needed
  • spread carefully over the peach base with a spatula
  • pop in the oven and bless it
  • when it smells so good and is browned on top pull it out and let cool in the tin for 10minutes
  • place a plate over it and carefully upend your creation
  • devour with cream or yoghurt
  • mmmm yum yum yum

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teahouse treehouse

when you where small

did you have somewhere equally small and sheltered

to play out life, imagine, create, tinker, have teaparties, or disappear?

in the last days Cedar and I have been working on his place

it’s been so sweet, delightful and cherishable {is that a real real word?}

we are both pretty happy when there is good work to be done

i thought this outdoor working together would suit us as a mama and toddler team

and it’s gratifying to see it really does

when there’s digging, lifting, mulching, weeding, watering or lugging to be done

we are slow but we are happy in the task together

it’s a simple place this boy of mine has now

tucked in the deep shade of a bottletop lemonade tree

{delicious sweet lemon with a bulbous bottle like shape}

a bit of raking

a bit of pruning

a bit of mulching

a little hauling of stumps

a little plank balancing shelving

a golden enamel teapot

some tiny teacups

free access to water

some linen {mama of course}

a wee bottle of flowers

and some guests {leopards}

a little content man

in turns, we where graciously invited in for tea…

thankyou sweet little one for reminding me to stop and play

and bringing the simple gladness of being together

and evoking memories of my own small years


keep cool for after school {bircher muesli}



Bircher Muesli Recipe and story

when i was a small girl

we lived in the West Australian wheatbelt

summer days frequently kissing blue skies and 40~celcius

after school the seemingly endless burnt orange gravel drive

shimmered and baked me

chasing after bigger faster sisters on bicycles

anxious in the hot vast expanse of golden crisped paddocks

i don’t remember a single tree on that km stretch to the house paddock

was there shade along the way?

and then i was there

pushing through the small side gate

often teary often late

there was our sturdy brick home with deep shaded verandahs

and my calm mama waiting in the cool dim kitchen with

hugs cheerfulness and

bircher muesli

sweet tart chilled textured cooling surprising delicious

was it so tasty because it was made with genuine swiss hands

and the apple grated with an authentic swiss bircher grater {so i call it}

what secret ingredient did you infuse this refreshing meal with mama?

mine never meets the reputation of my memory

so here i am now

on a meltingly hot day

waiting for my little to come dancing into home again after a long week

and i make bircher muesli

and think of cool kitchens and dark, even cooler pantries

{where i used to sneak crunches of dried pasta or other goods and lat on the cold floor

or draw on the back of door chalkboard}

now i think of

mama love

growing up

sour apples and yoghurt

i am blessed to be using yoghurt from the cows milk provided by yonder dexters

which forms a coveted cream top

thankyou to C for making it

there is an abundance of Bircher Muesli recipes out there in the world

i wouldn’t say mine is traditional as my bircher grater is still in storage and i chopped the apple instead…

you know i’m kidding right?

so I won’t do more than list the ingredients i used this particular time

2 handfuls organic unstabilised rolled oats

2 oranges squeezed over oats fresh from orchard

2 cups natural yoghurt from neighbours cows

1 handful dessicated coconut

2 tablespoons unhulled tahini

2 tablespoons maple syrup

2 tablespoons sesame seeds

1 small handful raisins

1 handful chopped almonds

1 tspn cinnamon powder

1 green apple from farmers market

1 green pear

1 banana from big market

1 handful blueberries

1 handful wild rasberries picked by a neighbour

mix and refridgerate

be inventive be flexible use what you have

the idea is softened oats yoghurt and fruit

i tend to soak the dry goods in the orange juice for a while before i add the yoghurt and fruit section

some people soak the oats overnight in the fruit juice til morn

for me that becomes a super digestible breakfast but kind of slimy and sticky, what do you think?

i forgot to add chia seeds, that might be nice

my mama used to put in stone fruits and grapes in later summer

and i hear tell she used some condensed milk to sweeten it…

is that true? did i forget any other special ingredient mamala?

how do you make this dish?

what would you add?

what was waiting for you when you got home on hot days?

what do you make for your kidlets now?

**peace be with you and your bellies**

And then Cedar was two!

good morning my beautiful son

Lily crowns you and bethrones you in bed and brings you your few gifts to help you open…

you are quietly pleased

breakfast is simply porridge but accompanied by some new play things. thankyou family, well chosen compact quality toys…

Lily adores you and invents funny games to make us all laugh

later in the day after the markets, we drive to a beautiful creek and meet friends

it is oh so peaceful by the fire and the water

you are contented to play on your own and I watch you in your own amusement and watch your big eight year old sister teach our friend to knitwe eat simply but happilythe nature at the beautiful Shannonvale creek has me breathless

reflections on cool water like an impressionist painting

an endless meditation to watch the rippling mirror

before bed we light your candles and sing our birthday medley of songs

you look so pleased in a happy quiet way

you have had your first haircut ever today!

you look different my son

your face makes new expressions

my how you have grown little one

you love the moment, as we all do, gathered around you singing in the candlelight

Lily helps you blow them out as you cannot yet

you love it so much we have to do it again, and again

we all love it and you too
we have our yummy birthday celebration the next day in the park at Port Douglas

As its your birthday Cedar i let you eat the pancakes straight from the pan

you go so fast i have to get a second pan out so I can make a stack for us to share!

finally you are full and we have a feast prepared

this is black sapote (chocolate fruit) mixed with fresh grated coconut and fresh squeezed coconut cream YUM!mmm you are a watchful child… i read so much in your facewe sing and celebrate you Cedarand a second later…look at this boy! mmm the creativity of toppings is endless…oh yes we love our pancakes instead of cakes for birthdays!!

thankyou beautiful Cedar for gracing my life with your calm souland unmatched pancake appetite!!

may we share many more…

Waking up to

Lily has made us pancakes this morning!! Yummy yummy yum
What a big girl, encouraging me to stay in bed ( Jesse was having dawn hot spring soaking)
” no no I know how to do it”
Being patient and helpful of Cedar
Thank you big sissi

With grated coconut and tropical fruits, yoghurt and maple syrup.
We’ve been missing Sunday pancakes as we are always having an early start to markets on Sundays.

Waking up to…


as we travel, sometimes we are blessed with the generosity of people giving their home grown produce to us,

Such as Karen who not only spontaneously hosted us for the night but farewelled us with vibrant greegroans dried mango from her garden!

or at the close of a market Jesse can sometimes be laden with produce, like yesterday at the Rockhampton Market he came back with a bag of luscious herbs…

sometimes we find a neglected fruit tree dripping ripeness to the ground (like the above mandarins)

sometimes it’s fruit trees in a public area, more of a rarity, or overhanging a fence.

We check with the property owners and often come away with an abundance of good food for free.

Foraging has some particular reward that is unique, (I haven’t fully articulated it to satisfaction here)

sure it’s great to save some coins when we live on a small budget, but more than that I appreciate that the fruit will be nourishing someone rather than dropping to the ground rotting, and the sharing of abundance when one has it. The village concept of exchange and generosity.

I love to find community gardens, where often in exchange for some weeding we can harvest some fruit, veg or salad greens, usually organically and lovingly grown, this food has a specialness and connection, as I relate to the scents as we gathered it, the weather at the time, the people we connected with and how the children brought me flowers and herbs, observed nature and learnt about how and where our food comes from.

We all seem to relax in these big green spaces and find some retreat from the stimulation of travelling, communing with plants and critters fills our souls again.

In Bellingen where we have been based the last two years there is a fantastic community garden, actually two now!

Also a program of edible gardens in the town, my favorite stop is by the real eastate agents front yard full of salad greens and herbs!

and we often visit Mullumbimby Community Gardens which has a fantastic Food for All section.

I deeply appreciate the work of the committed folk who keep these places going.

We often joke about our bus roof garden complete with chickens and a milking goat…..