des glaneuses {the pecan harvest}

IMG_0004in the fields the pecan trees drop their bountiful treasure

the cockatoos swing overhead and the ticks lurk below shadows

a basket of size or make, soon spills brown eggs to hatch small brown birds

the queen nut and her babies are captured lovingly

while children bounce, frolic, nest and throw.

oh to covet a fireside nut crushing eve

and invent our own fairytales

this kinship and little people wriggles

jaffles in moonlight and the bright silhouettes sway

the foragers filled and the gypsies sleep by the coals in mandarin cloaks

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nut tree nut tree

there is treasure hidden in your leaves

nut tree nut tree

drop your gifts down to me

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IMG_0082thanking thee dear friends.

and Miss F for the capture of me in the frames above.

pumpkin and pecan pie anyone?

pecan ice cream?

pecan truffles?

pecan and cinnamon cake?

pecan and mushroom soup?

pecan pecan hecan mecan?


did you like my nutty poetree? and my nutty daughter?

because you are what you eat!!

more on foraging here.


Waking up to… {ode to Autumn}

Yellow the bracken
Golden the sheaths
Rosy the apples
Crimson the leaves
Mist on the hillside
Clouds grey and white
Autumn good morning
Summer goodnight

Author unknown to me

I revel in this crisp changing
Colors of the season enthrall me and I have to pull over and pause to savour
This tree is on my friends property
Almost a year ago I arrived to be present with their big children while mama was birthing
In the morning this tree shone vermillion crimson russet gold against a soft ash sky just like today
I will remember this baby’s arrival when I see the trees like this and the warm stillness of her family home

and on the way home, i see the trees like this adorned with a rainbow. I am aware for the first time of Cedar’s conscious recognition of a rainbow! a special moment… mama, burple wed gween in sky…


this classic Australian Grug book has been preparing him for the Autumn/Winter rainbow season…

ps is it really Autumn goodnight Winter hello??

A knowing moment

today Some solo moments by a silver shiny sea

reveal an expression of self inquiry

i want to hear the truth within me

Beyond the babblings of this mind and fear

There lies the knowing and clarity

in a stillness i cannot force

if only i can move aside

To allow this space for it to arise

To put my ponderings down to rest

To connect with the heart of it

I am fearful, I see this

remind me, my soul is steady despite the outer bombardment

The path ahead is divided and I must choose a way once more

Please instinct please knowingness please wise owl

turn up the volume, allow me to hear

in this moment I have forgotten how

Ship rock falls

After Dancing Ground
Bodies limber
And weary
After dancing and stretching
And expanding in happiness
And connection
Plans change suddenly
A double obstacle
And I am lost
Internally inflexible
The flow is gone from me
Decision becomes distant
Anxiety arises
Partnership confuses things
We argue mildly
I am tired and back in the big world after festival cosseting and catering
It’s inescapably hot
I don’t know this area or where to find a swim
It’s overwhelming as we try to lead our family with no reference point
We chase a train and find some shade
Hooray a patch of green ground
Jesse takes Cedar walking
I lay with my back on the cool earth
Old tree shade covers me
Air becomes cooler
Temper becomes cooler
Priorities become more clear
The panic abates as fast as she arose
Go gently
Transition kindly
Find water and shade and food and sweetness
Is it really so simple?
For today for me it is

Later there is Ship Rock falls
A screaming step too close to a tiger snake who also wants the damp shade
A joyful explore of granite bouldery mossy water roaring tree ferny banksia woods with little man
A digestive coma after delicious orreciette with pesto olives salmon capers parmesano basil goat fetta more
Music echoes through the trees
I improve School Polka number 2 on the button Accordian
Children accompany
The world is right again

Later there is Kurth Kiln
rain howls and thunder blows
A safe camp to sleep in misty forest green
A playful morning
Road river races
Water churning exploring
Lily wants to eat the swollen river froth
Dripping ferns and bird songs and our songs
Cedar is the leader
Heart skipping with the scent of freshness and cool
How quickly the wheel turns
The sun rises the clouds part
Or how quickly my moods evacuate…






Glimpses of Outdoors

Glimpses of Outdoors

a gallery of outdoor moments from my visit to my family  in Western Australia

outside I love

the wind

and how I almost fly

I am enlivened and refreshed

by breeze from distant seas

rustling leaves and whispering trees

or thrashing branches and lashing stances

outside the space surrenders me

and my smalls are free

running flopping

stomping rolling

watching witnessing



grace of equine gallops

echoed in shorter limbs

husky love song of long grass

shimmering godly sunsets

moon rise so graceful and silent

birdsong twittering or raucous

all makes me quieter within in wonder

attentive I am to

sky song

star song

goose song

garden song

planting song

digging song

children song

flower song

harvest song

my song

earth song

calling beckoning drawing out into

the springtime song

a great cacophony of lifes vital forces emerging

infectious energy and creativity

cousins make fairy homes in the grevillea

while plants stretch new leaves at the sun

and buds open to the breeze

it’s the wildflowe…

it’s the wildflowers

in full festival


it’s the flowers

in every glance a hint of colour to be investigated


it’s the flowers

tiny, subtle, gracious, intricate

it’s the flowers

beckoning me across the road and into the woods


it’s the flowers

delaying me and making little ones impatient with mama as they spring on to new finds

(and me impatient with them for pulling me away, yes must go alone sometimes…)

it’s the flowers

invisibe to a casual eye

revealed with attention

unveiled with presence and patience

delighting all of us with their own groupings and gatherings

what do flowers communicate?

and here and here another another

it’s the flowers

which distract Cedar from falling asleep on walks of that intent

it’s the flowers

the bold red/orange/burgundy pea his favorite and each bush gestured and acknowledged

it’s the flowers

immaculate petalled orchids the queens

puffy pompom wattles

spreading cheerful red leschenaultia and running postman

tall sunshine billy buttons

minute pink fairies

countless silky blues orchids

spider orchids

purple pansy orchids

red beaks



tiny delicate fringed lily twiner

bright abundant cowslips

tall breezy jug orchids in mint candy striped shirts

at least five variations on the donkey orchid

black eyed pinks

and a myriad more I cannot name but love no less

it’s the flowers

the carpet of which trails our eyes through the open woodland

it’s the flowers

which bring me here in spring

it’s the flowers

whose essence and healing I soak up

it’s the flowers

the discovery of rarities a thrill each one thrillier that the last

it’s the flowers

in rain or wind or warm

beckoning a beautiful bouquet

in amongst the silver brown hued timber

it’s the flowers

enlivening and uplifting me

it’s the flowers

stretching my smile eyes and mind

it’s the flowers.

it is.